Day: June 21, 2014

Converting CAD Parasolid to other formats

I downloaded the Hexapod Parasolid model from but cannot open it directly on FreeCAD, Blender, etc.

Then after searching for a CAD converter I found CADExchanger:

Installed it this way:

$ wine msiexec /i cadexchanger_2.5.1_build4182_setup32.msi

Then entered at installed directory:

$ cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/CAD Exchanger/bin

And executed it:

$ wine Exchanger.exe

Then clicked on New, imported the Hexapod.x_t file and converted it to many formats.

Update: A nice open-source software for 3D convertion is called Assimp: It doesn’t support Parasolid convertion yet, but I think it could change soon.